1-13-16 Daily Card Reading
The Celtic Dragon Tarot by DJ Conway illustrated by Lisa Hunt
6 - The Lovers
"A romantic encounter may come into your life. You may be faced with an attraction or a temptation that may not be good for you. There will be an attraction of opposites that will be difficult to reconcile in the long run. A difficult choice will arise; make your decision on the facts, not the emotions." DJ Conway
When emotions run high it is easy to get carried away. It is during these points in your life that it may seem like a good idea to walk away from what you have been working on because of all the struggles that you have been facing. But let me ask you this... What real good would it do to walk away now? You have put in the work and have dedicated yourself to see this thing through. Yes, it is hard right now but all things that are worth the effort rarely come super easy.
So now it is time to actually think about why you think it's a good time to walk away. Most likely it is because you are not seeing the results that you are wanting as fast as you are wanting them. I can understand how good walking away looks right now, trust me. However, you need to think about why you are not achieving the results you want. What are you doing to stop your progress? Because it is no one else's fault but your own that you haven't gotten to where you want to be. Go ahead and try to blame others for your short comings but it does you no good. By blaming others you are saying that you have no control over your own life and that you just do what others tell you to. And everyone knows better than that. So stop playing the victim and make the changes.
Here is a good example of this from my own life. As you know I am a Beachbody Coach and for the past few years I have been struggling to get the business up and going. I would find people who would say they wanted to be a coach to only have them back out. Why was I attracting people like this? Because that is the type of person I have been. For years I have been saying that I want to work the business but rarely doing the steps required to actually achieve the results. Yes, I am afraid of success because I fear that many in my life will leave. But I have come to realize that those that matter will stay no matter what and those that don't will leave making room for better people. So now I am working my business like I should and eventually I will attract the type of person I want under me. It may take some time but I am willing to do the work.
So now I ask you, are you willing to do the work to make your dreams come true? Once you get to the point that you are ready go out and conquer the world!
by Lisa Hunt