Reiki in my life
As a Usui Reiki Master and a Kundalini Reiki Master I use Reiki energy every day in various areas of my life and it has helped me in so many ways. Every day I am grateful that I found Reiki and that I have had the wonderful Masters I have had. I do not know where I would be if I had not found Reiki.
So lets go to the beginning... Back in 2008 after fighting with my fibromyalgia for about a year a friend of mine had told me that I should look into Reiki as she felt it would help with my symptoms. I couldn't find anyone that offered the Reiki service but found a class that would teach me to perform Reiki and so I took that class. I loved that class and enjoyed meeting all the other people in that class. After that class I was Level I attuned and started my journey of self-Reiki.
For the first 30 days after my first attunement I did Reiki on myself for at least 45 minutes, usually right before bed because I would be super tired afterwards. At the end of the 30 days I stopped and actually thought about how I was feeling and it was so much better than I had felt in over a year. The daily pain was manageable and I was once again able to do some of the simple tasks that had become too hard. Once again I was able to keep up on my homework without it causing a major flare up and the spiral downwards that comes with a flare up. Everyone around me noticed.
It is my belief that since my Level I Master was a massage therapist that in her mind she could only see the physical abilities of Reiki and not the other areas that Reiki energy can help. Then in 2012 I found out a very good friend of mine was also a Reiki Master. This friend follows more closely to my spiritual beliefs and so it was super easy for me to take her Level II class. It was here that she opened my eyes to all that Reiki can do. And it is after her class that I started using Reiki in all areas of my life to make improvements.
This dear friend was who also provided me with my Usui ART and Master training. Once I received those trainings I was able to see fully all that Reiki energy can do and knew that I wanted to make this not only a way of life but also share it with others. It brings me much joy being able to share Reiki with others and show them that there are natural ways to make improvements to their lives. It's not always easy however it is always worth it.
In 2013 my husband and I moved to southern Kentucky and through a group I was in meet this wonderful young woman and felt an instant connection with her. She was offering a class in Kundalini Reiki and my soul knew that I needed to take this course to further my Reiki studies. (Yes, there are different forms of Reiki and it is my feeling that all are valid and each has its own energy. There will be others that disagree with me and I respect their opinion and ask that they respect mine.) During this course I noticed that the Kundalini energy that had been in my root chakra was released and was flowing through my entire body. This energy was foreign and exciting to me and I spent the next several weeks allowing my body to adjust to this new energy.
When it comes down to it in the end Reiki in the forms I am skilled in has saved my life. My fibromyaglia is now at a point that most days you wouldn't even know there was anything wrong with me. My bad days are now like my good days used to be and my good days are awesome. Reiki has also helped me deal with the emotional abuse I dealt with from my mother and subsequent ex's. I have been able to heal myself on so many different levels. I have even used Reiki in my spiritual work to help boost the energy needed. I use Reiki to help me with my issues with success and money as well as with improving my marriage. As long as your intentions are good there is nothing Reiki can't help with.
Every day I am grateful that I found Reiki because of how much my life has improved since finding this energy. And it is my goal to share Reiki energy with the world. Thank you so much for having read this far. I know I went on forever. So please know that if you have read this far you have gotten to the point that you will receive Reiki energy from me. Hope you have a great day, evening, night, and life!