2-4-16 Daily Card Reading
Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish
Lady Titania
"Bringing people together in life-changing, sacred and meaningful gatherings; mothering others joyously; being greater than you appear to be; understanding the need for joy and happiness and gatherings that delight in the company of soul mates; family agreements and pacts that are reinforced through celebration; coming together in community with friends. Finding your soul family. Being protected and nurtured by friends and soul-family." Lucy Cavendish
Today is all about finding joy all around you, especially in family. And there is a reminder here that family has very little to do with blood and have everything to do with love. Sometimes the best family is the one you make for yourself. Close friends end up being better family than a cousin or even a sibling. Accepting this fact of life and finding joy in it is liberating and soul lifting.
The easiest way to find joy is to go out a make it. Go out with your family and friends and have some fun. Create joy all around you and the world will seem like a much better place. You make the world a better place when you create joy because you are sending out good vibes to the universe which means that the universe has to send you back more vibes as the Law of Attraction teaches. It really is amazing how quickly things will improve when you make the choice to create joy and be happy. Remember that no one else can make you happy except for you.
Today go out and create your own happiness with those you consider family.
by Lucy Cavendish