1-17-16 Weekly Card Reading
Sustain Yourself by James Wanless, Ph.D.
Beginning of Week: Nothing - Openness
"Most everything is nothing, almost 75% of the universe. Don't try so hard to get something which isn't anything. Don't hold your ground because nothing is solid. Give yourself space, call for a time out, go blank with no agenda, no plan. Most of what we see and think is not. Life is run by the hidden and invisible. Keep an open mind and open heart. Live spacious." James Wanless, Ph.D.
The beginning of this week has you taking time to just be open. It is easy to schedule things for this reason and that reason but how many times do you take time to just be? I bet not as often as you need. Taking time to meditate daily is a great way to make time to just be. This will help you clear your mind and reduce the amount of stress in your life. Ten minutes a day will help significantly and that is not a whole lot of time taken out of your busy day.
by James Wanless, Ph.D.
Middle of Week: Dolphin – Play
“Choose playfulness the way dolphins did in their migration to the sea. Ride the emotional waves with joy. Jump and spin, dive and streak. Enjoy the sensual, sexual and gregarious companionship that dolphins express in their communal social life. Revel in the rich acoustic world of sounds and cosmic song. Feel the vibe, heal the wounded, surf your wave, swim to love.” James Wanless, Ph.D.
Now that you have taken time to just be it is time to have some fun. There needs to be work/fun balance in your life. What is the point of working if you have no fun? Personally, I have to take time out each day to have a little fun and play. Most of the time it is taking a few minutes each day and playing with Cat Butt but it helps me to focus on my work and also reduces the amount of stress I deal with. Fun is a vital part of being a well-balanced person. So during this time of the week, learn to take a few minutes here and there and have some fun.
by James Wanless, Ph.D.
End of Week: Jungle – Creativity
“You are composed of trillions of cell and billions of brain neurons in constant production and reproduction. Live up to your bio-heritage and create, create again and again and again with the jungle of opportunities and resources that you have. You are rich, lush, and fecund beyond measure. Think and act copious, plentiful, profuse, and bountiful with spontaneity. Jump on the possibilities. There’s method in the madness of diversity and quantity.” James Wanless, Ph.D.
By the end of the week you will feel the creative spark light up in you. Do not let this pass you by. Take this time and be creative whether it’s in your business, career, or home life this creativity will help you produce the results you are wanting. Have a new idea of how to approach things and want to try it? This is the perfect time to do such a thing! Want to start a new hobby? This is the perfect time to start. Even hobbies have their place in our life. And like the previous card shared, hobbies help you to learn to have fun and as my favorite show The Big Bang Theory shared when you do something simple it opens your mind up to work out your greatest problems.
by James Wanless, Ph.D.
For this week I want you to take time to be by meditating at least ten minutes a day, have some fun, and be creative. These things may seem at first to not be productive but trust me they are! I have had some of my greatest ideas come to me when I am doing one of these activities.