1-25-16 Daily Card Reading
Tale of the Mystical Cats by Lunaea Weatherstone illustrated by Mickie Mueller
Eight of Fire - Reversed
"Unfocused action is using up your energy to no good purpose. It's good to follow your instincts, but it's time to stop dashing from impulse to impulse. Sit still and settle on a goal, even a short-term one. Don't do anything rash." Lunaea Weatherstone
Do you find yourself rushing from one thing to another just to feel like you are accomplishing absolutely nothing? This is because you are super unfocused. I mean we are talking horrible case of ADHD unfocused. You need to take some time today and think about what you are truly trying to accomplish. Then stop and realize that many of the other things that you have been doing is nothing more than distractions that you are making feel important.
Checking that email because it just came in, checking that Facebook notification because it could be important, looking up that information because it has to be done right now. These sound familiar don't they? These are the types of distractions I am talking about. They pop up and grab your attention to distract you from achieving your main goals. If you find that these distractions are too strong then you need to set aside a certain amount of time to work on your goals undisturbed.
In my Beachbody business this is what I call my "Power Hour." This is a time I set aside each day to do the things that are necessary to do to move my business forward. I do not allow distractions while I am working. I focus single-mindedly on what needs to be done. To be honest I find this much easier when my husband isn't home so I do it during the day. The key here is to find a time that would work for you. Once you know when you can do your work the next step is to make a list of what you absolutely need to do and just do those tasks and nothing else. No playing on Facebook, no checking emails, no taking phone calls, just working on your goals.
Today take time to think about what is really keeping you from your goals and avoid distractions.
by Mickie Mueller