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1-25-16 Weekly Card Reading

Tales of the Mystical Cats by Lunaea Weatherstone illustrated by Mickie Mueller

Beginning of Week - Nine of Earth

"You have earned your place in the sun. Claim your right to retreat into the solitude of contentment. Being on your own to contemplate beauty is a kind of prosperity that feeds the soul. Not everything is meant to be shared, even with loved ones. Deep happiness awaits you in the walled garden of the spirit." Lunaea Weatherstone

The beginning of this week has you taking some time to simply enjoy the small things in life. You have been working so hard that it is time for a small break away from everything and everyone. Take time to just enjoy you.

by Mickie Mueller

Middle of Week - Seven of Earth (Reversed)

"You are worrying far too much about the situation. Don't give it all your attention all the time, to the point where other needs are neglected. Put energy into other things as well, and let this concern take care of itself for a while." Lunaea Weatherstone

A situation has you worried to the point that it is all you can think about and since this is in the Earth (pentacles in traditional decks) that tells me your major concern is about money. I know that money is a major concern for many people but you are worrying so much about money that you are allowing other responsibilities and needs that you have to fall to the wayside. This is not good and will only bring about more worry. Remember everything that you have learned about the Law of Attraction and apply them to the situation that has you worried.

by Mickie Mueller

End of Week - Three of Sea

"Make a point of getting together with friends soon. Remember that others take the same pleasure in your company that you take in theirs, and it doesn't require a special occasion or activity - just being together is enough. Celebrate the friendships in your life." Lunaea Weatherstone

The end of this weeks you will need to go out and have some fun. Get together with your friends. Remember the quote from the movie The Shining? "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy." Although you probably aren't to the level of crazy that was implied during the movie when this was said it rings true. When you don't take the time to socialize not only are you hurting yourself, you are also hurting the friendships that took years to build. Go out and cut loose and have fun!!!

by Mickie Mueller


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