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1-27-16 Daily Card Reading

Tales of they Mystical Cats by Lunaea Weatherstone illustrated by Mickie Mueller

Six of Sky - Reversed

"You may be having regrets about unfinished business or a sense of having left others in the lurch. Assess how much of this is truth and how much is guilt. Do you feel like you must always fix things? This doesn't serve anyone and creates a false sense of being indispensable. Let others fight their own battles." Lunaea Weatherstone

Either someone has already brought you into their drama or is trying really hard to. Remind yourself "Not your circus, not your monkeys." By allowing this drama into your life you are not only taking away the others persons power but you are also giving away yours to the situation. Let others fight their own battles and learn when to walk away.

This applies to all aspects of your life: personal, home, social, business. Society today is filled with people that thrive on drama. So by allowing this drama into your life you are encouraging them to continue down the path they are on fully knowing it is a destructive path that will only lead to misery and heartache. By saying no to their drama you are helping to stop the cycle and teaching them to deal with their own battles.

Are you the type of person that thrives on drama yourself? Then it is time that you learn to leave others out of things and deal with what comes up on your own. Drama is not power and it is not the good kind of energy you want. Remember the Law of Attraction? Like attracts like. Well you keep bringing drama into your life that is all you will ever get out of life. And doesn't that sound exhausting? Take time today and start down the path of happiness and end your relationship with drama. It will take time to master this new lifestyle but it is well worth it.

Today is the day to end your relationship with drama whether you are the source or others are the source.

by Mickie Mueller


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